Great interior design -explained.
Great interior design is when you make people feel comfortable in a space or spaces, giving them an unforgettable experience, one that makes them want to return. One that makes them want to talk about it or encourage others to experience, or simply pass on their joy from having had the experience.
It’s a space that captures all the senses and achieves balance by giving perfect consideration to the building, it’s exterior environment and telling the story of what you are all about. I am a perfectionist, I care about every little detail, because they all play a part. Great design in environments enriches lives and creates joy in the world.
Most people at some time or another have experienced feeling uncomfortable in an environment, without being able to even explicitly say why, even if other people appear to act friendly, one can still feel uncomfortable.
So many businesses have spent large amounts of money on fit-outs and furniture only to fail miserably on the ‘how it feels’ factor. They survive only by lack of good competition, but surely, good management should know that this is not sustainable, you have to get it right, and the first time.
Whether your space is a hot and sexy night spot or a restaurant or café, a retail shop, a small boutique hotel or a boutique bar, a new build or renovation, I will help you create the most memorable environment possible.